
The Bowl...

I came across this hilarious video on Tracee Ellis Ross' new site.  As I was watching, I realized how I too have a healthy obsession with The Bowl!  I was just talking to my mom over the weekend about how I prefer eating out of a bowl than on a plate.  It's just more exciting to me, plus you eat less (well, that won't apply if you eat out of a huge bowl).  You see a plate is just so flat.  You can't grip or snuggle with a plate, it has to be a bowl.  I could really replace all my plates with bowls, but I kinda need them when I have folks over...right? Also, the husband loves a bowl too.  So, no argument there!  Just thought I'd share my amusement with you.  

Here's some cuties I found...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Don't you just love a bowl?

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