
Tuesday Baby Update...

selfie at the office-25 weeks

26 weeks today!!!  Next week will be the start of my last and final trimester.  Woohooo!!!  I cannot believe it!  Baby Girl Archie will be here before we know it!  Can't wait to see her face.  The husband dreamed about her for the second time this month, but she does not reveal her face.  She was covering her face except for her lips which looked like mine.  So interesting!  I guess we're both anxious to meet her.

I've been feeling good, but got a nagging headache over the weekend.  Not sleeping very well (mind is racing), still have the round ligament pain, and started having this cramp in my right foot.  I'm just taking it all and dealing with it!  All worth it and nothing I can't handle.  My Glucose test was negative, no Gestational Diabetes.  I do have a mild case of Anemia which I figured I would have since I was born with it.  So, now on one iron pill a day as well as my prenatals and calcium magnesium and fish oil before bed.

Cravings last week...croissants (plain), lots of oranges cut in quarter wedges with the skin on. Love biting into each wedge, the juice is so refreshing (eating some now as I type), blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries are in heavy rotation, french vanilla ice cream from Trader Joes, and pasta of any kind, cold or hot.  I do need to eat more protein.  Meat/poultry just doesn't do it for me anymore, but I have to get it in.

I purchased this cutie yesterday!  Had a $50 gift card to Anthroplogie burning a hole in my pocket, but wanted to use it on something that I really wanted.  This Tracey Reese tunic dress has more than enough room to accommodate the growing belly.  Can't wait to wear while on our Babymoon with leggings or my new skinny maternity jeans.

That's my update for this week!  Oh, Baby Girl Archie is kicking, punching, and rolling.  Marlin finally got to see my stomach jump.  He was so excited! Keep us in positive thought always!

Come back next week for more updates. . .


  1. zeke on the west coastFebruary 25, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    I am so proud of you and Marlin.You have been through a lot to get to this point,

  2. Congrats again Jenn! I too suffered from headaches, try a little caffeine, tea, or soda always did the trick for me! Good luck and not much longer to go!!!

  3. Love the weekly updates!! That Tracey Reese tunic will look great on you. You wear pregnancy well!


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