
5 Months

Our girl turned 5 months yesterday... so unbelievable!! I'm back to work and she started daycare.  Tough first week, but we made it through.  It gets better every week!  June is growing fast.  She's sitting up completely without support, we started giving her organic brown rice cereal and pureed butternut squash, she's reaching for us to pick her up, she puts her head on our shoulder when we walk with her, she's touching our faces, she grabs everything and tries to put it in her mouth, she sleeps through the night most nights, she went under the water in her swim class, she scoots and tries to pull herself up, she smiles on her own, and she has the best laugh ever.  She's amazing! 

What's she's been up too...

hard at play...

hanging with mommy at work...

stylish already

hanging with Ava...

our morning joy!!!

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