
Tuesday Baby Update. . .

pregnancy photos by Sir Harrison Photography

I'm 36 weeks today, 9 months!!!!  Wow!!!!  We have 28 more days until she arrives.  Getting a bit nervous and anxious, but trying to stay calm and not stress.  Don't need her to come early!

I know I've been really slacking on posting, but it's either I draw a blank on what to post about or I'm just dead tired.  My body is going through so much right now, sometimes I cannot even focus.  With the baby showers simmering down, we can really just be quiet these last weeks.  Enjoy our time together, go see a couple of movies, visit with friends, and just relax before our new chapter begins.

So, what's been going on since my last baby update?  Well, I had my last two baby showers which were both Fabulous!  Paris themed with all the trimmings (see photos here).  My girls and my mom's friends did an awesome job!!!  Marlin and I took our pregnancy photos at the beach and completed all our projects for the nursery. Check out the Before & After photos here.  Now, all we need to do is clean and organize which shouldn't be too bad.  Oh, and we celebrated the husband's birthday last week with dinner at Fig &Olive.

Cravings. . .nothing new!  Now, I just want cold cold beverages a lot preferably lemonade, Capri Sun, or pineapple ginger juice from my fav Jamaican spot.   I've had Navy Bean and Kale soup on my mind for a couple of months now, so will try this recipe this week.  Should be really tasty!  Been on a sweet kick which I'm really trying to keep under control.  Sugar is not your friend, makes me so sleepy after I eat it.

Here are some recent photos. . .

pregnancy photos. . .

marlin's birthday. . .

 baby shower. . .

More updates hopefully next week! :)

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