
Designer Highlight: Lulu Frost

photo credit: houseofjeffers

One of the highlights of of the Independent Fashion Bloggers conference was the talk that Lisa Salzer of Lulu Frost gave.  It was so inspiring and it showed that with determination and believing in your brand/product and yourself, you can do pretty much anything.  Lisa definitely has both! Her modern vintage jewelry is fabulous, and I cannot wait to own my first piece.  I'd heard of her brand before the conference, but never took a closer look until now.  Especially when, Taylor Davies from the blog shut up, i love that shirt on you  wore the Insight necklace from Lulu's "Let's Bring Back" collection at the conference which is now one of my favs.  She wore it well!  I love to collect quality pieces of jewelry and vintage pieces, and now I can add Lulu to my sweet collection.

Here's a few of my favs...

I Keep It Modern Vintage! 

and I'm off and running...

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