
My Weekend...

Here's what I did...

The husband and I kicked off the weekend with date night at an oldie but goodie,  El Coyote.

I had not been here in years, but we were craving some mexican food and that's where we ended up.  He had tamales, I had my favorite, fish tacos.  Food was yummy!

Saturday, morning acupuncture and met Jen for a movie and lunch.  We saw Celeste and Jesse Forever, which was so hilarious.  Great movie! Had a light lunch and girl talk at a new neighborhood gem, The Sycamore Kitchen.  Love their ginger limeade and dark ale ginger bread, yes it has beer in it.  So yummy!  We had salads (over dressed) that were just ok, but I think I'm loving their baked goods and beverages the most.  Have to give lunch another run!  :)

the yummy ginger bread

 new animal print jeans...love them!  

Sunday, woke up thinking about the ginger bread from Sycamore Kitchen and made a quick run there for the bread and decaf.  I wanted to get all those lovely baked goods, but opted out.  Got the husband a ginger limeade.  Then spent the rest of Sunday watching the Olympics and relaxing.  

 The loveliness of  Sunday morning baked goodies @ The Sycamore Kitchen

A little home inspiration...think I may get some red chairs once I get my new dining table.  Love the rustic look.  Funny note: that guy doesn't even know I took a pic of him.  That cracks me up! :)

What did you do over the weekend?

Happy Monday!

and I'm off and running...

1 comment:

  1. That ginger bread looks so tempting :).
    Me, oh nothing, too sick to get out of bed!


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