
Weekend Recap...

Well, the weekend is over and back to the grind.  

My weekend...

* Lovely mani at my usual spot...got my red nails back.  I find myself admiring them often and smiling...ohhhh, the little things in life. 

** Had a relaxing visit at the service dept for my car...lol! I had to jump start my ride once on Fri and twice on Sat. So, I took it to the dealership to get fixed up.  After 3 hours with coffee and my latest book club read "The Paris Wife" I was up and running again. I was so into my book the time just flew by.

*** Went to see "MoneyBall" with the hubby...very good movie and ate leftovers of my homemade Baked Ziti with Tomato, Mozzarella,& Sausage. Recipe here! I used chicken italian sausage, added kalamata olives, and in addition to the fresh oregano, I added some fresh basil. Sooo...yummy!!!

**** Sunday, did a home depot run to make some final decisions on our home renovation and relaxed with my book and some tea. Oh...I made dinner, but nothing really special. :)

And that there was my weekend...uneventful, but relaxing!

And I'm off and running...

J.P. Archie


  1. So simple and lovely all at the same time. Love the nails and the Ziti!!! Both look delish!


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