
Just A Little Note...

I thought I would address how to leave comments on my blog. So funny both my parents sent me emails asking "how do I leave a comment?"  A lot of you have asked me, and some of you might be wondering the same thing. Soooo...here we go! 

If you see this:

0 comments: Click on "post a comment" at the bottom of the post. This will open up a second window and display the following info:

Post a Comment

Leave your comment
Type in your comment in the box provided.

Choose an identity
Google Account
Open ID
Name/URL Name
Choose your identity. If you have a google account sign-in. If not choose "Name/URL Name"  Type in your name.  URL Name is optional. You can also be Anonymous.

Publish Your Comment or Preview  
After you choose your identity click on "Publish Your Comment" or "Preview" to preview your comment. Then your done...Viola!

Note: If you do not see "post a comment" then you will see this:Posted by J.P. Archie at 5:00 AM  0 comments

Click on "comments" and this will display a separate box and you can leave a comment based on the steps above. Also, if you subscribe to my blog via email then click on  title to go to the actual blog site and click on "post a comment". 

Hopefully this will help you leave me some lovely comments. Do a little test now and tell me if you got it! I love my readers and look forward to seeing more comments to know that you love what I'm posting.  Gotta check in with the readers...right?

Have A lovely day!

And I'm off and running...

J.P. Archie

1 comment:

  1. I would like to thank you for the efforts that you have made in writing this article.This is exactly what I need,Thanks .


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