
Girl Fun...

I have been a bit under the weather the past couple of days. I traveled to Atlanta last weekend for a bridal shower I was co-hosting with my Angels. The traveling part was no good at all(delayed/bad service),but once I got there it was none stop GIRL FUN!!!  From the time I got in the car to dropping me back at the airport, we laughed non-stop. Now that is lovely! 

Here are some photos from the weekend...

The Angels
My pink blouse-80's Vintage from Persephone Vintage
Earrings by Laura Lombardi-Pretty Mommy
Pizza & Wine @ Antico Pizza

Shrimp & Grits

Bridal Shower Menu
The Favor
Scarf-DVF, Jacket-Persephone Vintage, Blouse- H&M 

Gotta love Girl Fun! 

And I'm off and running...

J.P. Archie


  1. Aaaww...Lovely! Such a fabulous weekend. Vegas here we come. xoxo

  2. zeke on the left coastOctober 21, 2016 at 10:40 AM

    I think you guys are a good example for our young black males,I just love how you connect


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