
Brunch... Anyone?

Going to give fashion a little break today and talk food. Fashion and food, two of my loves in life. :)

My favorite meal of the day is definitely breakfast, and I could eat it for lunch and dinner.  What do I usually order?  Well...it depends on the spot! 

My Brunch favorites:
~Eggs Benedict preferably w/ crab cakes and hollandaise sauce 
 on the side(so I can dip each bite...yum!) 
~French Toast stuffed w/chocolate and bananas
~Huevos Rancheros (make this for dinner probably once a week)
~Blueberry Pancakes w/powder sugar on top
~Oatmeal w/ dried fruit and bananas and lots of honey/brown sugar.  

Well, recently me and the husband had brunch at Taste on Melrose. If you have not gone, please go for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Everything is great and the service is sweet!  The mac n'cheese is sinful and a perfect beginning. One word: Truffle oil!  Yes, truffle oil!  Oh...how lovely it is!

Here are some photos to get your mouth watering...

Truffle Mac n' Cheese
Crab Cake Eggs Benedict
Chocolate & Banana French Toast

And I'm off and running...

J.P. Archie


  1. i just gained 5lbs just reading this post!! Im going to post a few pics of the mangoes, guavas, bananas and golden apples (a small mango)I am offered on my daily walk to the bus stop.

  2. Ive been to Taste for Brunch and lunch - but how oh how did i miss the truffle mac and cheese!!!! {Im headed back this weekend - before I start the 60 day no carbs - getting ready for the bday in Nov)


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