
Birthday Love: Mrs. Ross...

Happy Friday!  Today, Jiggyloves celebrates another special birthday! So, lets wish my sister, Angel, and friend Mrs. Dyan Ross aka Mrs. Foodie of Passion Foodie (she just got hitched two weeks ago today). Check out her wedding photos here by the lovely photographer Shawna Herring. A-maz-ing!  Dyan, is extra special to me and I am so blessed to have her in my life. She beats to her own drum, has a heart of gold, she loves all things pink, a fabulous cook, and she can wear just about anything and look beautiful in it.  Not only does she burn in the kitchen, but she has her own unique style.  I say it is simple, chic, sexy, and modern.  Enjoy your day, Mrs. Ross and drink one for me at Nuevo Laredo! Lol! 

She has the best smile and laugh!
She plays tennis and still looks fab! 

Nicole Miller

Lovely in Black Halo

Tracy Reese
She rocks a Black Halo dress like no other! 

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Ross and much love!  


  1. Happy Birthday, Mrs. Ross!!! You look GoooorJus!!!!

  2. She is beautiful.I love how she looks in the black dress :)

  3. Aaaaww shucks!! Got a lil birthday lovin'!!! Thanks Jiggy for the lovely post and wished. Love it and love you!!

  4. Ahhhhh you made me cry Jiggy sweetie pie! LOVE YOU BOTH


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