
Pop Pop POPCORN...

Quick post today, but you will love it if you are a popcorn lover. When I go to the movies, I always like to have popcorn.  It just feels right! :)  Lately, I've been really watching what I put in my mouth (ha!) so, I don't mess with the movie popcorn anymore...I make my own using a glass microwave popper that my mom bought for me...love it!  It's yummy and you save money!  Slip a bag in your tote and go!  Here's how I make my herbed popcorn...

Grocery List:

Glass microwave popper
Organic popcorn kernels
Coconut Oil (solid)
Dried herbs (Oregano, Rosemary, Thyme, etc)
Red pepper flakes (optional)
Parmesan cheese (optional)
dash of Maldon salt and fresh black pepper
***you can add any savory or sweet seasoning you like, but I suggest using just coconut oil...it's just something about it that makes the popcorn taste so good and it's so healthy.***


Place a small spoon full of solid coconut oil at the bottom of the glass popper. Quickly melt coconut oil in microwave. Once melted, add enough kernels to cover the bottom of the popper to avoid unpopped kernels (try not to pack in more). Place in microwave and pop for 2 1/2 to 3 min, but it varies based on the type of microwave you have. So just stay close and listen for the popping to slow down then take out. Dump popcorn in a large bowl and immediately add seasoning and toss.  Let cool and transfer to a large Ziploc bag, then head to the movies.  Perfecto and Yummo!!!!  

my bag while watching the fun flick Scatter My Ashes at Bergdof's

get to pop...poppin'!!!!

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