
Weekend Festivities...

Happy Monday...It is here again! I could use just one more day.  The weekend was all about celebrating my hubby's birthday, and boy did we celebrate.  Friday, we went to dinner at one of our fav restos called Cafe Brasil in Culver City. The food is awesome! Then we went to see PRINCE at the Forum with friends. The show was fabulous!  I am going to have to see him one more time before he leaves L.A. Saturday, I put together a surprise birthday happy hour at BLT Steak on Sunset.  Friends and fam came out to celebrate the hubby and sip on SoCal Sangria.  The evening ended with me and the hubby going to GELATOVINO for some gelato.  You can pair gelato with wine or champagne.  Since we already had enough to drink, we opted for just the gelato. I had White Chocolate Lavender and Sea Salt Caramel and the hubby had Peanut Butter Fudge.  So yummy!  What a weekend, now back to the grind of work, eating right, and exercise.  Ugh! lol!

The beautiful flowers at our table
Me and my CLARE VIVIER Foldover Clutch in Cognac
The Birthday Boy!
California Chicken
Red Snapper
Garlic Shrimp



DVF Maxi Skirt and Blouse by Tucker

Have a great week!

And I'm off and running...

J.P. Archie

1 comment:

  1. Great Post!!! Im soooo jelly-the food, the concert, the skirt!!! All very yummy!!! Cant wait to hear about the show--Take me with You!!!! Did the Purple One sing that????


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